Welcome to the documentation!

Here you will find hints & tips about how use the new Winchester Scouts tech.

Log into a @winscouts.org Email account

Winchester Scout Emails are hosted through our own mail servers, so set-up is a little different.

The easiest way to read email is through webmail, at webmail.winscouts.org. Use the username and password provided to you.

Alternatively, you can set up your account in a mail app such as Outlook. Follow our Email Set-up guide here.

Using Google

Our Google Non-profit grant means that the whole of the Winchester Scout District is eligible for a free Google workspace account, not even at a cost to the Winchester District Scout Council.

Our Google accounts use winscouts.org Email addresses, so we've disabled Gmail to avoid confusion.

Find out how to make the most of Google workspace in our 'Google Workspace' Training Guide.

Editing the Website

Our 2021 website, winscouts.org, is hosted and managed by Scouts Online. What's great about this is it reduces the amount of time that we spend developing the website, since it receives annual updates for styling. However, there are some limitations, and lacks some of the declarative features you may be used to in other website builders. That's why I recommend having a basic knowledge of HTML, as the built-in editor isn't great and just abstracts you from the code you are writing.

But get started with our 2021 editing guide here

Viewing the old website (winscouts.org.uk)

A full browsable copy of the old website has been made. Follow the guide to run it here