Viewing the old website (

To avoid paying for hosting costs, the only way to run it is to download all the associated html files from Google Drive. You can then run the website locally by viewing the html files locally on your computer.

To start, you will need to login to the 'Webmasters & Admins' shared drive, from within Google Drive. (This is only available for users who have been added to our google organsisation.)

Next, navigate to Archive ->, and view the files in this folder.

There should be a zip titled 'winscoutsHTML.Zip'. Right click on it, and select 'download'. It is important that you do not download 'Copy of public_html - Copy' as you will be presented with broken links (as this is a direct copy of what the web server ran!)

Once downloaded, unzip the folder and open it. To run the website, open the file titled 'index.html'.

You can then run the website from your local machine.

Please note: I ran a bulk script to change the URLs from an absolute path (on the web server) to a relative path that can be run on your computer. If the website redirects you to C:\pinsent\index.html I have failed to update this link. You can resolve this by changing the URL to the location of the folder which you downloaded (i.e. C:\Users\ed\OneDrive\Documents\DofE\Scouts Web Development\winscoutsHTML ) and then add on the \pinsent\index.html - so you are looking at C:\Users\ed\OneDrive\Documents\DofE\Scouts Web Development\winscoutsHTML\pinsent\index.html .

Another common error is a list of folder contents is shown. This happens when /index.html is not included in the hyperlink. To view the webpage, visit the index.html at the bottom of the page.

If you spot any errors, please submit a pull request on my GitHub page for the project, and I will be happy to rectify any errors